I'm eating ice cream
and sighing
the face man in his box
white window chips on his shoulder
mentions dying and his own smile.
He speaks with solemn practice...
it seems someone's Christ
sweats on a rope
and you remark "It seems..."
"It seems this is not really news...
not really
big news...
but I think people and their stupidity decide that
Well, ultimately
I laugh
ultimately I say
fuck him
stone him
unearth him and all his treasures
lets make our babies on piles of dead gold
and atoms upon piles of dead horses
after all, isn't that the way it has been?
I think that's the way it has been
for a thousand and sixty nine years.
Does history applaud the prosperous and forget the poor?
I'm eating ice cream and sighing.
Aren't the poor only righteous
when sanctioned by God
or disease?
A disease lets call him.
A crowd. Yes. Let's maul him.
Who killed Caesar, Jesus and John Wilkes Booth?
Fragments of mercury bubbling in the blood?
A pauper?
A lobby?
One stringsick starstruck lamenting fool
better served to char his feet on a slave ship
than to dabble
to dabble
and dabble again
in politics.
Thank God (you imaginary man)
for politics otherwise
we'd never get anyone hung.